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Maggie Knauss, Vice President of Philanthropy for Delta Phi Epsilon, shares all about their chapter's recent week-long philanthropy event known as Love Your Body Week .

Love Your Body Week is a series of events designed to raise awareness and funds for the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD). It is our way to spread a message of self-love and open up a dialogue about mental health within the greater UGA community. This year we were really lucky to have some amazing opportunities to continue this mission while still remaining COVID safe! Normally we would be tabling in Tate in order to spread awareness to the student body but this year with so many people taking online classes we decided that we would have a greater impact if we tabled off our front lawn on Milledge. It was so amazing to see people’s faces light up when they saw the uplifting messages we were handing out on post-its and to spread some positivity during such an isolating time. On top of tabling, we held some other really amazing events, including a virtual Q&A with a licensed therapist that we co-hosted with the women of Delta Phi Lambda and our annual scale smash! Our main fundraising effort this year came in the form of a virtual gift card raffle where we sold raffle tickets for chances to win gift cards to local Athens businesses. It felt great to support the community we love while still funding the incredible services ANAD provides. My personal favorite part of Love Your Body Week is our Instagram challenge. Every day of the week we post pictures that break the unspoken rules of social media in order to call attention to all the ways we feel pressured into unattainable perfection. Almost everyone struggles with self-love, body image, and mental health struggles so we at Delta Phi Epsilon want to do our part in building a supportive community where it is ok to be imperfect. We firmly believe that everyone deserves to speak more kindly to themselves! Thank you all for the support this year! Catch us again next February :) If you or a loved one is in need of support please call the eating disorders helpline at (888)-375-7767 or visit

Be sure to keep up with Maggie and Delta Phi Epsilon on their chapter's Instagram: @ugadphie


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