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Kappa's Kreative Kostumes

Socials are one of the many ways that sororities and fraternities intermingle. Typically held on Thursday nights, these themed get-togethers help members meet new people and are a great opportunity to express your creative side when coming up with catchy costumes to fit the theme.

After a couple of years you find that upperclassmen will make less of an effort when it comes to decking out for the socials, but that doesn't stop the eager freshman from splurging their allowance money for a trip to Atomic or Goodwill to piece together the perfect look for the Thursday night social. Therefore, it is fitting to showcase one of Kappa Kappa Gamma’s notoriously best dressed new members.

Introducing Maggie Greer, a freshman, standing 5’ 10” from Macon, Georgia, who looks forward to dressing up for the next week's social as soon as Friday morning rolls around. Having a costume box as diverse as Maggie's, apparently takes years of preparation. She explains that she began her collection in high school, then packed it up in a box, and made room for it in her Brumby dorm room this fall. When asked what her favorite store to purchase last minute costume accessories, Maggie immediately blurted out Party City. She said they have a variety of small accessories that coupled with the right wardrobe, can make a costume complete. She claims her accessories from Party City are what completed her rock-n’-roll look at her very first social.

Maggie's favorite costume? Hands down, her caddy costume.

It’s hard to beat Maggie's love for costumes. With Halloween coming up, who knows what she will pull out of the costume box next!


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