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Vest Life Truly is the Best Life

Written by Bailey Smith, a member of Sigma Kappa.


Over the past two recruitment seasons, I have had the pleasure of serving as a Gamma Chi for Panhellenic Recruitment. It has been one of the most rewarding yet difficult experiences I have done in my college career. For a week, I had to be mom, friend, and therapist to a group of eighteen, mostly comprised of freshmen, girls. Some of these girls are going to need you every step of the way and others are only going to ask you what group number you are so they can put it on their ranking sheet. This is completely okay, because being a Gamma Chi is about meeting these girls where they are and helping them however they may need you. However, will you be needed, as a shoulder to cry on, as someone who helps decide what shoes go with which outfit, or someone to go get ice cream with and just talk about life.

With all of this happening, you will need people around you that can relate to what is going on and will want to do nothing more than lay in bed, eat Chipotle, and watch bad reality TV with – and you will find that with the other Gamma Chis. The women that I have been surrounded by for the past two years of recruitment have taught me so much about being a selfless leader, accepting others, and how to support others in a time of need.

Being a Gamma Chi pulls you in a lot of different directions but at the end of the week you will have 18 new friends (plus about 100 Gamma Chis), a new love for air conditioning, and a serious appreciation for athletic shorts and tennis shoes. See ya at the Holiday Inn!

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