Kappa Delta Takes Australia/New Zealand
This past May, seven Kappa Delta’s packed as much as they could in their 45-pound bags and travelled across the globe for a study abroad that would impact them in more ways than they knew at the time. The girls travelled to four cities in Australia and four cities in New Zealand. They said each city felt like an entirely different study abroad, and they had experiences that could last a lifetime. In Lady Elliot Island, Australia, they scuba dived in the great barrier reef with sharks, manta rays, sea turtles, etc. When they travelled to Mt. Cook, New Zealand, they hiked through snowy terrain and did the polar plunge.

The girls said the trip was filled with stepping out of their comfort zones, whether that be embarking on a ten-mile hike in the middle of the outback, or bungee jumping off the tallest bridge in the world. However, having each other there made it all less intimidating and they loved travelling together because it allowed them to get so much closer to one another than they could ever have imagined.

Kasey Skibitsky, a senior KD, said: “Being halfway across the world with my sisters was comforting because it made me feel less far away from home”. The girls said that they made memories that they will never forget and now share even more of a special bond than they ever could have before.